
Top 5 tips for job searching during the pandemic

As more and more companies shift to remote work and increase layoffs, mid-pandemic is probably not the best time to look for a job. So what is the best course of action when nobody is hiring? Experts agree that no matter the current economic situation, continuing to network and apply for jobs is the best strategy even in these uncertain times. For a fresh approach, follow these top five tips for job searching during the pandemic.

1. Tune-up your CV

Even during periods when you aren’t actively searching for a job, keeping your CV updated is a good idea. Add qualifications and key achievements to your CV as they happen. Whether you’re in the middle of a job search at the moment or gearing up for one,  you’ll be thankful that your CV is updated and ready for go.

2. Embrace online networking

Face-to-face meetings have all but been written off, so it’s important to develop a new networking strategy – go online. There are hundreds of events that have gone virtual in response to the pandemic, and a great way to find them is through professional groups on Facebook and LinkedIn. Join these group, get involved in the conversation by posting and commenting, and always be professional when chiming in on topics that enable you to demonstrate your industry knowledge and expertise. 

3. Develop skills

If you find yourself completely out of work during the pandemic, take the opportunity to develop more skills to boost your qualifications. Start by analysing job descriptions in your field and checking for a match in your own skillset. Even if you have the skill but haven’t used it for a while, consider brushing up to make yourself a better candidate when the job market picks up again. For example, marketing professionals should consider certifications in Hootsuite or Google Analytics to make their resumes stand out from the crowd. Plenty of online courses are out there waiting for you, and many are free, like Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), among others.

4. Absorb info

The current pandemic crisis is providing a unique glimpse into company culture and leadership. Pay attention to media coverage for companies supporting workers in creative ways. Prepare for a future interview by reading annual reports or listening to stockholder calls. Having specific knowledge of the company during an interview drives home your willingness to learn and shows you have a genuine interest in the organisation.

5. Be positive

Remaining positive can be tough right now, but it’s so important for our mental well-being and crucial for maintaining focus. While the job market is challenging, there are definite reasons to be positive. Though many companies have implemented a hiring freeze, it won’t last forever. There are still plenty of companies recruiting right now through the pandemic and looking for people who are willing to work remotely, making it the perfect time to apply for your dream role. 

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